I am sure a lot of you have tried Japanese plum wines (for those who haven't you might find it a delightful surprise) but I had not had PLUM SAKE before. I was at Hosobra Brothers the other day and found a few bottles of beautifully presented
We had Chinese food for dinner one night and I pulled out the plum sake from the fridge. Without seeing the bottle, my wife took a sip, pleasantly surprised by the fresh floral taste, asked what kind of Riesling it is! Instead of tasting like some of the overly sweet plum wine, this one has a blend of lightness and crispness that is redolent of some good ole Italian Riesling. I have long retired from the dating scene but I have never forgotten the mantra: a wise man get he wants by giving what the lady wants. Alas my wife no longer complains about me putting half a dozen sake in the fridge. I will certainly add this plum sake in my magical wine list for chicks.
plum sakes (by way of introduction I have always been a sucker of beautiful presentation found in many of the Japanese merchandise). Jeff, Hosoda Bros' Sale Director, never misses a chance to egg on me to drink (not that I need further encouragement), so I packed a few bottles of the plum sake and put them all in the fridge at the protest of my wife who complained that the sake took up half of the fridge.We had Chinese food for dinner one night and I pulled out the plum sake from the fridge. Without seeing the bottle, my wife took a sip, pleasantly surprised by the fresh floral taste, asked what kind of Riesling it is! Instead of tasting like some of the overly sweet plum wine, this one has a blend of lightness and crispness that is redolent of some good ole Italian Riesling. I have long retired from the dating scene but I have never forgotten the mantra: a wise man get he wants by giving what the lady wants. Alas my wife no longer complains about me putting half a dozen sake in the fridge. I will certainly add this plum sake in my magical wine list for chicks.